Designation of origin

Historical review DO

Historical review DO
The Denomination of Origin (D.O.), is the name of a geographical region of the country that serves to designate a product originating and delimitable of the same, and whose quality or characteristics are due exclusively to the geographical environment, including natural and human factors.

The real quinoa is only produced in the salt flats of Bolivia and is the most valued in the national and international markets.

Faced with this panorama, it is imperative to differentiate the Royal Quinoa of the Southern Altiplano of Bolivia from the other quinoas produced in the world, taking into account that due to its qualities it enjoys a reputation at national and international level and a strategy for this purpose is the Denomination of Origin (D.O.).

To protect the Denomination of Origin of the Royal Quinoa of the Southern Altiplano of Bolivia, both nationally and internationally, and to guarantee the legitimacy of the Royal Quinoa to the consumer.

 By 2025 the Royal Quinoa of the Southern Altiplano of Bolivia will be consolidated for being remarkable and differentiated as unique in the world.

Benefits for the protected area:
  • The product has an added value that is reflected in the price
  • Royal quinoa enjoys a certain reputationIt enjoys specific quality, benefiting more than 50,000 direct families.
  • Favorable expectations will be created in the protected area and even in tourism.
  • There will be greater confidence in the national and international consumerRoyal quinoa from the Southern Altiplano with a distinctive seal, will be placed in exclusive market niches.
Product characteristics
  • Concave grains of pearly color and high saponin content
  • High protein content of 13 to 18%
  • No GlutenGrain size (2mm x 2.80 mm) in diameter
  • Resistant to frost and drought period
Historical review DO
Historical review DO
The main actors for the operation of the D.O. are:The National Service of Intellectual Property - SENAPI, which has the tuition to protect Intellectual Property rights and promote and disseminate the protection system.The Regulatory Council of the D.O., which has the function of verifying and certifying under official standards the Royal quinoa with Denomination of Origin in the protected area.
Technical and legal documents
  • Protection of the royal quinoa of the southern highlands of Bolivia Administrative Resolution No. PI/DO 018/2002 dated July 23, 2002
  • Modification of new areas and communities Administrative Resolution No. PI/DO 001/2009 dated March 11, 2009
  • Approval before the CAN Administrative Resolution No. PI/DO 001/2011 dated June 30, 2011
  • Authorization of the regulatory council as a state Administrative Resolution E- CNP/220-03286 dated October 09, 2020
  • Legal status
  • Distinctive signCertificate of authorization to function

Zona Pucarani Industrial, Av. Néstor Galindo, esq. Hilbo Nº 100

Teléfono: +591 2 2850116 - 2 2851960
